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Выдели текст и нажми сюда BRAINDEAD 2003 review
« В: 01.01.1970 07:00 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

сенкс, подчерпнул много полезной инфы А рассказ Дрокза хочу дать почитать всем

My whole life is dedicated to music, but i started taking it on another level in the early 80's as a Hip-Hop DJ/MC in a youth centre. Later on i met Big Mike, who is, 30% of general noise in the army and he connected me with tails in 1990. Acid house was there and house was growing with party's and all that, but the big bang was this thing called "Gabber".
In 1991 me and a friend called Conabis made a demo in the studio of tails (A.K.A General Noise Studio) witch contains the first track with the title hake, Every exciting label thought it was to hard so we released it ourselves on our own label called 289 records. We released 5 E.P.’s on that label and had a small gabber hit with "Gabber House" from boom terrorism witch we made ourselves, During that period we also made some tracks for Lex Van Coeverden's Dance International Label (Lex is the owner of Cunt records and Producer, believe it or not, of Atlantic ocean's "waterfall".
We we're sick and tired of all the paperwork that a label gives you, so we quit the label and focused on making music for dance int. In 1994 General Noise had a gig in the famous Energiehal in Rotterdam and i asked if i could mc on their gig. They said yes cause they know i was a mc in the past. Just a few months after that they signed to ID&amp;T (Thunderdome Party's &amp; CD's ) and i mc-ed at all their gigs (Tails &amp; Noizer live and Noizer as a DJ).
A few months later ID&amp;T offered me a deal i couldn’t refuse so i signed a contract with the article that i still could make records for Lex, witch i did. Now everything was going crazy.....I did every big and small party's across Holland including some party's with 25.000 people in one hall and the Thunderdome truck on the love parade in 1996, meanwhile i hosted a show called "Hakkeuh" on national TV and I did several guest appearances on TV &amp; TV Talk shows about gabber, I also received a Thunderdome (public chosen) award for best mc in 1997, so you can imagine it was a very crazy period. Later on in 1997 i had a deep conversation with the A&amp;R manager of ID&amp;T about my style of music witch was again...too hard, we split up and I started Cunt Records with Lex, the rest you know.
The reason i started Cunt Records, is that i wanted to put Holland back on the map with some real hardcore instead of the kiddie gabber.


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Выдели текст и нажми сюда BRAINDEAD 2003 review
« В: 01.01.2017 00:00 GMT+03 часа »
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1. Робот не может причинить вред человеку или своим бездействием допустить, чтобы человеку был причинён вред.
DJ Reaver

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Выдели текст и нажми сюда BRAINDEAD 2003 review
« В: 01.01.1970 07:00 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Kiddie gabber - LOL!!!

(я - второй смайлик слева)
DJ Guyver

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http://guyver.promodj.ru/ » gabberrus@rambler.ru

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Где: Moscow
Возраст: 42
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Выдели текст и нажми сюда BRAINDEAD 2003 review
« В: 01.01.1970 07:00 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Вообще,последние 4-5 релизов шоквейва меня очень радуют.и альбом этот Супер!!!

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