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Выдели текст и нажми сюда Exclusive Interview with Nosferatu by Twilight
« В: 07.07.2006 20:04 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

может кому-то покажется интересным свежее интервью с Nosferatu взятое с

Exclusive Interview with Nosferatu by Twilight

Twilight: Lets start from the very beginning. What was your childhood like?

Nosferatu: I’ve got the most perfect parents a man can ever imagine! So my childhood was very nice within the family. Outside I was more like a delinquent than a ‘good boy’. Frequently I could be found with a spraycan of paint hitting on walls everywhere I went. Lots of fighting activities on school, but strangely though, I passed every class!

Twilight: When did you first take an interest in music, and who were your favorite artists/musicians?

Nosferatu: When I was 3 years old, I managed to climb on an old piano, with a big cigar taken from my Grandpa and I was pounding and stomping on the keys of the thing! My mom and Grandpa were in the kitchen at that time. When they walked in the room, I fell off, hitting my eyebrow on a sharp corner of a table, leaving a nasty mark which has been my trademark ever since. Man, I remember they called me Scarface in school…! Haha!

Twilight: When did creating music become a real habit?

Nosferatu: When I finished my school, I managed to build my own studio and tried to work on arranging my own tracks. I was spinning vinyl already, but I needed something more, I needed to ‘tell’ my own stories by making the tracks instead of playing records from other artists.

Twilight: Tell me about the hip-hop/rap samples you have used in your hardcore tracks.

Nosferatu: Difficult one, I always want to tell a story with my music, I’m always searching for th&覘t particular vocal that has some kind of impact and final touch to that track I’m working on at that time. It’s so clich&覡 to have a vocal containing the word ‘Hardcore!’ or ‘Fuck!’ or whatsoever, but to me the more important ones are those wich contains the right words to ‘tell’ the story about the mood I’m in at that time, or whatever kind of stuff I’m in.

Twilight: I see that you have had other aliases before choosing "Nosferatu". How did you choose this name, and what does it mean to you?

Nosferatu: I think it was a bit much to have difficult names, like D’sporphin, Endorphin, Mystic, etc, etc. It was all made by one man (except D’sporphin): Me! So why not use just one name, one man wich can arrange more styles of Hardcore? So that was my choice at that time and the icon Nosferatu means a lot to me, it’s a part of my life now!

Twilight: Was it surreal when you began working with Ruffneck?

Nosferatu: Yeah, at first I was astonished to hear that they (Cardiac Music) wanted to release my tracks! After that it was simply all the way up to a great business I can’t get enough of!! Nowadays I thank God that I made the right choice to send my demo’s towards Ruffneck at that time. Who knows what I became when I didn’t send them, you know? Now, it’s like a perfect opportunity to expand my music to a higher level and to let you fuckers know what the Nos is all about.. !

Twilight: What other fellow producers do you admire?

Nosferatu: In the Hardcore: Ruffneck, The Producer, The Outside Agency, Manu Le Malin, Lenny Dee, Neophyte & Evil Activities, Stunned Guys. Other scenes: Aphex Twin, Ancronix, Korn (too bad J. Davis is ‘out of order’!!), Guns&Roses, Metallica, Fear Factory, KRS-one, Fort Minor, Dr. Dr&覡, Atmosphere, Timbaland, Noisia, Evol Intent, DJ Hidden, Squarepusher, Vangelis, Jean Michel Jarre

Twilight: When and where was your most memorable performance thus far?

Nosferatu: A lot!! But the most memorable was Thunderdome ’05. Because I had a fucked up year of physical disasters and such. And that party was some kind of powerful outburst to me; all my aggression, pain and suffering from that year came out during that set, and the crowd was also getting berserk, so my work was done there!

Twilight: When did you feel that hardcore was at it's peak in Holland?

Nosferatu: Back in 1997, and now during the years 2004/2005. To me, Hardcore has always been a peak, with it’s own ups and downs, but that’s simply my opinion!

Twilight: What do you think of that saying, "Hardcore will never die"?

Nosferatu: I don’t know, some people say it’s an understatement… I mean, Hardcore saved itself during the millennium, and it will again after a couple of years, but I think the Hardcore will evolve into more powerful stuff, heaven knows we don’t call it Hardcore anymore. You now have Hardcore, Darkcore, Industrial, Terror, Speedcore, Clowncore, and lots of other styles! I am Hardcore, and I will always be.. no matter what kind of evolvement the ‘Core’ will experience!

Twilight: Which are your favorite pieces of hardware in the studio?

Nosferatu: My chair and my brains! No, I think my Andromeda is a bit my favourite, but yet at the moment; because I’m not using her every time, sometimes I only use the Virus C, or the MS2000R. So unfortunately it’s a bit difficult to tell.

Twilight: Which software do you prefer to use?

Nosferatu: Cubase SX3 and Adobe Audition for programming and EDITTING my samples! And for the plugins: Kontakt 2, Vanguard and the Waves-bundle

Twilight: What do you think of the ongoing Mac vs PC battle?

Nosferatu: Can’t tell. I never worked with a Mac, so I prefer the PC. Honestly I don’t know anyone in my friend/producer-list who works with a Mac… I think…Do you?

Twilight: What is your favorite track at the moment?

Nosferatu: I’ve got a lot of favourite tracks. But the massive ‘Kaos communication’ by Sei2ure on the K7 label is truly a vicious one at the moment!

Twilight: Any top secret projects in the works that you could clue us in on?

Nosferatu: I’m always working on something new, but I think I can say that something big is happening in the near future… unfortunately I’m busy with the new studio that’s coming up, so I’m very busy working on both the studio and my tracks; that’s why I sometimes must choose between the work on my tracks ‘in’ my (almost former) studio or to work ‘on’ my new studio…confused? Wanna help me??

Twilight: What are your other non-music related hobbies?

Nosferatu: Damn, that’s a good question! I live in my music 24/7! Come to think of it… I’m always doing things in music, I relax in music, I walk in music, hell…sometimes I shit on music. (but that’s only when I hear tracks that contains shitty samples and tracks which has been bad mastered and non-edited!) Well, it’s not exactly true: I do have my hobbies. I collect ancient swords, (mostly Chinese or Japanese) or artifacts with Chinese or Japanese Dragons, scripts, posters, etc.etc.. Wow! I do have hobbies, damn! How do you like that, huh??

Twilight: Have you ever had any unexplained spiritual experiences?

Nosferatu: My whole life is spiritually touched. But one thing I will always remember is the fact that one day a strange sphere-like, white light was flying over my apartment, yet so close that I almost could touch it! Than it went a bit berserk by flying in a none-straight line and then suddenly disappeared! I wasn’t drunk, I wasn’t high or whatsoever. Clean and sober as a MF!

Twilight: Who is the most attractive girl you have ever seen?

Nosferatu: This interviewer? Jennifer Love Hewitt stays on top of my list!

Twilight: What is your favorite type of cuisine?

Nosferatu: PASTA!

Twilight: Is there a cartoon character that reminds you of yourself?

Nosferatu: Well, it’s more like three characters molded in one: Goku, Goofy and the Tazmanian devil! Goku for the martial arts-activities I like, Goofy for the ponderous moves I sometimes have and Taz for the ADHD-moods I contain!

Twilight: What is your favorite video game?

Nosferatu: To make it clear for once and for all: I’m a NON-Pro Evolution gamer, bitches! (big kickass-shot out to Endymion & The Viper!!) My personal and favourite game is Prince of Persia, and all other games with that kind of play abilities. Or racing-games like Forza-Motorsport or Need for speed-Underground, Grand Tourismo, etc, etc……...NACE! (…”Damn, he said NACE!”)

Twilight: Do you think you might one day come to the United States?

Nosferatu: Can I leave this question open? MOEHAHAHAHA! I surely don’t have the slightest idea at all! It’s very difficult to me, unfortunately! It’s not that I don’t like to come over, but it’s mentally that bad, that I already have sweat on my balls when I see the control-tower appearing when I’m moving through Schiphol-airport! But who knows, maybe I can arrange some kind of B.A. Baracus-move so that I’m gonna be knocked out during the flights! Maybe there’s an option to come by boat! Unfortunately that takes weeks to get to the U.S. !!



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« В: 07.07.2006 20:19 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

тьфу, ну нафиг на английском-то выкладывать?

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« В: 07.07.2006 20:57 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

очень интересное интервью,почитал,порадовался

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« В: 07.07.2006 23:15 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

А я после тяжелейшего трувового дня, не смог осилить англицкий!

Перевод ф студию!


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« В: 09.07.2006 06:39 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

а я ссука бакалавр лингвистики!!!

Danger. Keep the scene away from the assholes.

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« В: 09.07.2006 23:15 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Нужно будет заняться переводом.

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« В: 10.07.2006 04:59 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Reptile Я не знаю, сцуко, чего ты бакалавр, но у тебя правильная картинка в подписи!
DAMIEN Давно пора. А то читать влом и переводить тоже влом


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« В: 10.07.2006 21:17 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Slammer, давай ищо! и без переводов.


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